Published 22. Jun. 2021

Fredericia Fjernvarme Living Lab: District heating

About the Living Lab:

The living lab incorporates data from district heating consumers in Fredericia.

The overall perspective of the Fredericia Fjernvarme Living Lab is to investigate the flexibility within the distribution network, using the distribution network as a heating reservoir to avoid congestion and to tackle existing bottlenecks. Thus, the end goal in the Fredericia Fjernvarme Living Lab is to explore the use of flexibility in connection with the next generation of data-intelligent temperature optimization.

Progress so far:

In close collaboration with the FED-partner ENFOR the first step towards this purpose is to produce heat load forecasting. Temperature measurements from critical net points have been selected, and the first iteration of a method for estimating critical temperatures using frequent meter readings has been established. A full years of measurement have been gathered in collaboration with Center Denmark to optimize the load forecasting models and implementation of the first steps of lowering the temperature in the district heating grid can expected during Q3 and Q4 2021. Next steps include optimization of the models for load shifting and peak shaving, expected during 2022.

Partners involved:

  • Fredericia Fjernvarme

Contact: Carl Hellmers


Phone: +45 23 48 59 22

The living lab is part of the project Flexible Energy Denmark